Friday, July 9, 2010

I was born with a 6/6 vision

I was born with 6/6 eye sight, with wonder in my eyes. I still remember moon used to be full of life for me with eyes, nose, lips, mouth.. Everything around me was new and lively. Then I started to look at the world with the eyes of my parents. The good and bad entered the mind, right and wrong, do’s and don’ts come into the picture, and I put on the first set of spectacles. I also started watching television, and new concepts for the world dawned in the mind. So, I put on another set of spectacles. I also went to school and had lots of friends. Now, a new outlook was there. First set, second set and I could manage to have one more set of spectacles without removing the old ones. Then I went to college also and blah blah ...I managed to load a good number of spectacles and that too without being aware of the same. No doubt, my vision for the world was (had to be) blurred till now.
For now if awareness has dawned in me, all I have to do is to put a reverse gear. And I have done that. I am once again developing the 6/6 vision of my intuition. Things have already started to look beautiful and they will continue to be.