Friday, April 9, 2010


One of the major achievements of human mind must be to be able to communicate with the other species. At some point in history, pigeons were used to send messages. Imagine how marvelous it would be if we keep that possibility still alive, and people sitting at various places in the world receive our messages through birds. It would be one of the best ways to connect with the nature. However, it is not the medium, whether it is a pigeon or an email, which holds much importance, but it is the soul of the message which actually works. Same words coming from different persons carry different energies and produce different impacts. A mother’s words to her child cannot be compared with that of anybody else uttering the same words. What I have realized is that it is not the words you say which are important but your intention behind those very words. Are we being manipulative or straight in our intention! Real communication is beyond words. Certainly, presentation of the message does hold a place (which is often missing when our parents tell us something). Apt presentation with a pure intention is a killer combination. I would love having the skill of being true to myself, and at the same time presenting my intentions in a smart enough way. I am developing that skill.