Thursday, February 4, 2010

Love as infinity

Pieces of stones were glued together in a chaotic manner, and given a solid form. It was crushed into pieces, and those pieces were integrated again to get a beautiful piece of art, sculpture. Love is the glue that blends those scattered pieces together; love was the force that crushed it before; and love was the energy that became those very stones to start with.
The process of creation and disintegration go together. That is what Sri Sri said the other day, "Sun Set at some parts of the Earth and Sun Rise at some other parts happen simultaneously". Each minute millions of births are taking place and so many people are dying. My intuition says that same is happening to every single particle in the universe, as well as to the universe taken as a whole. Bliss may be to experience creation and disintegration simultaneously.
To complement the above series of thoughts I feel like adding this shaloka:
“Angikam bhuvanam yasya
Vachikam sarva vangmayam
Aharyam chandra taradi
Tam vande satvikam sivam.”
Whose bodily movement is the entire universe, whose speech is the language (of the universe), whose ornaments are the moon and the stars, Him, we worship, the serene lord.