Thursday, July 7, 2011

Threshold of Laughter

My cousin, Harry, landed on the solid Land of Punjab, and drop in to say Hi. Meeting him after so long. Feels so nice. I couldn’t stop laughing on a part of conversation till now! It has been more than 15 hours, but still.
Punjab is a place where food is considered to be an elixir. Name any problem, and somebody will be there to advice some food or another. In my case, often the conflicting foods suggested for the same problem. Anyways, this was just to frame the introduction. There is a prevalent belief that goes in Punjab – If you eat soaked almonds, it makes your brain sharper. He said, “Jinne marzi badam khalo, akkal ni auni. Akkal dhe dakke khan naal hi auni a”. (Loses a lot while translating but still – Eat as many almonds as you want, but the mind or intellect gets to evolve only with experience). I would add – Experience + awareness to learn from it. The way it was told was simply hilarious. In spite of my efforts, can’t even catch 10 percent of the effect in writing.

Was thinking of one of my wonderful school teachers. She said once, “Everything has a threshold. Be it be happiness, be it be pain, be it be sensory pleasures, be it be fear, be it be greed, for that matter be it be any emotion. It rises to a peak and then drops. Today itself, there was this accumulated emotion of anger somewhere in the middle of the forehead. Hmmm! Few deep breaths and among those countable times in life when I didn’t get angry on some petty issue, I retained back equilibrium in few seconds. Feeling awesome! 

Anyways! Just found one nice Picture!