Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Do only trees drink Cold Drinks?

Being with the trees is a solace after having been caught up in this sedentary work life with computer radiations bombarding my mind space so mercilessly! Anyways!
Another psychological happening in the mind! Too imaginative (May be realistic), but I couldn’t resist writing about this. Does deforestation or uprooting trees have anything to do with cold drinks? 

As per nature, human systems are designed to inhale o2 and exhale CO2. This way CO2 is kind of excreta like feces or Urine. However, almost all trees (Leaving Basil and Peeple), all other trees emit CO2 at one half cycle. Now, with the universe of trees getting distinct on the planet, is it the soul of dying trees that acts through the stomach of humans? Is it humans raising life force of dead trees or dead trees pulling life force from humans? Hah! Question Mark again?
Does the fact, that the habit of drinking 2-3 bottles of Soft drinks a week got abandoned, have to do something with I participating in Mission Green Earth campaign? Who knows?
Well, I understand this is too philosophical, but who refuses to be not!