Thursday, April 22, 2010

An Imagination of Thoughts - Birth of new Earth

How 2nd Earth was discovered by five scientists – A, B, C, D and Langdin!!!
SCENE: A, B, C and D were sitting together after finishing their latest research on Galaxies. Langdin was sleeping nearby.
A: MY memory reminds me that we decided to do researh on inventions that took place through INTUITIONs.
B:If you have started talking about intuitions, I STRONGLY feel there is a new project on the way for all of us.
C: Langdin is quite bored and he was SAYing THAT WE SHOULD all GO for a break.
D: Oh, forget break. Have you gone THROUGH the news that a STAR BURSTed last night?
A: I wonder how I missed this news. It may give an important turn to my studies of GALAXIES.
B: I don’t know but my intuition says WE WILL soon be FINDing SOMETHING .THERE is something great going to come up.
C: You know what my intuiton says: We will all go for a break of 2 months.
The first sentence Langdin spoke after waking up from sleep was this:
My intuition strongly says that we should go through starburst galaxy. We will find something there.
They all had no idea why did they follow this sleepy intuition of Langdin, but they did. In a matter of 2 months they found a planet which supported life like Earth. They named it INTLANG (INTUITION + LANGDIN)
(All sitting together for a supper after 3 months)
A: I was wondering who put this intuition into Langdin’s head. Anyways, welldone dude..