Saturday, March 20, 2010

Crack the riddle behind ZERO

Hardly any field comes in mind if I think of the fields in which numbers are not used, be it be accounting, business, mathematics or any other field, numbers find their place. If not directly, then as currency, no field is devoid of numbers.  I can’t remember any subject book of my school which didn’t use numbers in one form or another. Now imagine if the counting stops at nine. 1, 2 ,3, 4,….. 9 and that’s it! How different would have been the scenario! It continues because we have zero. It continues forward as well as backward because we have zero in the number system. We value money so much. Now imagine if no zero exists. How would we have talked about hundreds, forget about crores!  Zero adds continuity to the number system.
There is also a philosophical riddle behind ZERO. Opposite values are complementary. There is no option but opposite values to coexist. Pleasure – pain, happiness – sorrow, love – hate all are there complementing each other. How do we say we are sad?... Because sometime in past we have experienced something called happiness and vice versa. Opposite values are there and so everything moves on.
 Zero is the center of the whole number system, and it seems of universe also.  Everything in the universe wants to be zero – merge into nothingness.
I am feeling proud to be an Indian, the country that gave zero to this world.