Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Secret behind repetition

We, as humans, have a tendency to get bore with things. We get bore with a place and change places. Some get bore with a person and tend to change partners. Getting bored of eating too much sweet, we crave for salty and vice verse. But if we look at nature, it loves repetition. Days and night never fail to repeat one after another. Seasons continue to repeat and all natural phenomena   (Leaving some surprises that nature gives) tend to repeat. There must be some secret behind repetition and the boredom it causes. May be repetition is there to be lived through and get rid of. May be there is something beyond repetition and boredom? I was wondering if the only way of getting rid of boredom is to thoroughly live through it and find that something beyond boredom.

But then nature also loves diversity, which is there to break boredom and bring freshness. We have so many types of flowers feasting our eyes, so many types of fruits for our taste, so many species of animals to wonder about and so many religions to celebrate all...the list is endless. For whom nature has created all this diversity? The only answer that comes to mind is, for us to enjoy. Perhaps there are certain things which we need to be through in order to be free from boredom and yet another things we need to keep changing in order to enjoy.
All the questions cease when this answer dawns - Life is about learning to have that PERFECT balance. The school continues...