Saturday, January 23, 2010

Music - Food for the soul

I wonder what would happen if a child shuns learning after He experiences first few falls! I am blessed with the courage to stand up always and give my best shot. 
Learning flute is fun now. It was pain in the beginning but perseverance is yielding lucrative results. One of my mentors once said, 'you don’t know what music is and what it can do to you'. That day I thought,"oh, others don’t know, but I know, for I already had quite good experiences with music, the experiences of being one with the music." But
 I really wonder now, what music can do, what it is doing, and at what levels of existence is it working. It is nourishing my right brain which I kept undernourished for so so long. 
Just to quote an example, I went to attend Green raga's concert in Delhi Haat. The instruments were mesmerizing that I decided to withdraw my senses from the objects and started to enjoy the beauty within. I could sense joy pouring out of the heart. The combination of flute, guitar, and few other classical and western instruments made the atmosphere so joyous that I couldn't keep myself sitting, and made me flow with the rhythm, inspite of hundreds in the crowd. For me, it was only me and the music. And to my surprise by the time I opened my eyes, 80 percent of audience was dancing gracefully and enjoying with the rhythm!  Such is the uniting power of music.